maandag 21 juli 2014

Changing Lifes -philoSophie


I actually did not plan this to be a philoSophie, but it turned out to be one.
I hope I inspire you guys.
Just read.

So I was thinking about helping people and stuff...
You know the usual ;)
But yeah, I already thought about cutting my hair off. But that just takes too long, well not the cutting but the growing of it. You know what I mean.
So I thought of other ways, and I came up the idea of becoming a blood donor.
I was already daydreaming about how my blood would save someone’s life. And then I did research.
You need to be 18 to be a blood donor.
I was REALLY angry when I found out. Like I could scream at my computer.

I got over it after an hour or so.
But I still wanted to do something for this totally screwed up world.
So I went to my dad and told him my story. And he said: yeah, but you still have Kiva.

And you're probably thinking right now: what the hell is Kiva?
Well I'm gonna explain to you NOW.

After my comunie (is that how you spell it in English?) I had a lot of money.
A little I kept for myself, but a lot of it went to charity.
I still had some money left and my dad said: why don't you sign up for Kiva?!

I already knew this site a little, cause my dad was a member of it already.
It is a site where you can lend money to people who need it for different kinds of reasons: making a shop, getting their kids to school and all that kind of stuff.
Most of them want to set up a business. But you need money for that, and these people -mostly from third world countries, don't have enough money to do that. So you lend them money so they can start their business.
After they started and got money they start to pay you back. So after a while you got all the money you gave them.

You can donate to all different kinds of people all around the world. You can give money from 25 dollars.
And you don't have to set a lot of money on the site. Cause you will be paid back.
So you don't have to set money on it all the time.
I think this is a good opportunity for people to help others.

It's so easy, and you can change so many lives.
People who set up a business mostly do that to get money so they can pay for the school of their kids.

It's crazy imagining that some kids are not forced to go to school.
Yeah, maybe you hate it, or the idea of the school system. But it changes your life and you can't live without in our or other first world countries.

Sometimes I think the people who screw their schools here should give the chance of going to school to other kids who desperately want to go to school. If they would here they can go to school, their smiles will be bigger than you can imagine.

This world is not fair.
But you can make it easier for the people who really need to fight.

We keep on dragging about our "horrible" lives, and I'm not an exception.
And I'm truly ashamed.

That's why I joined Kiva, you should too.
Cause this is the most easy way you can get, to change a life.

I think that everybody needs a good chance of getting success.
That's harder there, but we can all make it easier.

If I read the stories on Kiva, I realize how lucky we are.
It's sounds so cliché, but it's true.

I'll see you guys


1 opmerking:

  1. I'm thinking about selling t-shirts or handmade merch or anything (on internet or kings-day) and like keep a little for myself and donate the rest of it to charity...
